#90 Days to Goal Challenge
Oct 1st - Dec 31st, 2022
Get ready to surprise yourself with our most loved 90 Day to Goal Challenge!
This unique Challenge is an NLBP favorite with personal coaching, challenge check-in calls, accountability, and a tribe of like-minded professionals cheering you on. We have seen participants crush their goals and quadruple their revenues in the previous 90-Day Challenges. Are you ready?
This unique Challenge is an NLBP favorite with personal coaching, challenge check-in calls, accountability, and a tribe of like-minded professionals cheering you on. We have seen participants crush their goals and quadruple their revenues in the previous 90-Day Challenges. Are you ready?
1) BOOK MARK THIS PAGE! THEN, Download the documents to the left to help you with your goal setting. Then listen to our Coffee With Camille REPLAY for instructions on GOAL SETTING before the challenge starts! We will also discuss this on the kick-off call on 9/30/22. 2) GO to the NLBP Member Only Facebook Page. Announce you are joining the #90Daytogoal Challenge (you don’t need to know your goal yet). It can be a text post or a short live video if you're up for that 9we love video posts. Add the hashtag #90daystogoal to every discussion throughout the Challenge. 3) Register for your ACCOUNTABIITY TRIAD: All Challengers (regardless of membership level) have the option to be matched with an Accountability Triad for this Challenge. Triad members work together as an accountability group, meeting weekly to closely monitor each other's progress toward goals. This program is normally exclusively for Soul-Proprietor members but during the 90 day challenge we open for all levels experience. You MUST REGISTER HERE before 9/28/22 to be assigned a triad. 4) BOOKMARK OUR ZOOM MEETING ROOM: (No password required.) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7785756358?pwd=SDVBaEIrcDllY0R4VzZyakFKbXM3UT09 5 ) ADD THESE DATES TO YOUR CALENDAR NOW:
You MUST be in the NLBP MEMBER ONLY Facebook Community to do this Challenge. You will always get feedback and questions answered there. If you can't find something on our website or feel stuck at any point please reach out to [email protected] for assistance. HOW THE CHALLENGE WORKS:
This is the most LOVED business challenge in NLBP. The main goal is to set a goal that is attainable but a stretch for where you are in your business today (we'll talk about this on the kick-off call but you also want to listen to the recording before then). You should feel a bit uncomfortable but also excitement how reaching that goal changes your business. During the Challenge, members are to post 5 days a week in the Member-Only Facebook group (a minimum of 20 times per month) on what they are working on to achieve their declared goal. Sometimes this is a small step. What we are looking for is small wins. It doesn't have to be a big leap forward to post. Sometimes just showing up on a call or sending one email is a win for the day. Encourage and support other Challengers EVERYDAY. Comment, cheer, like, and express support on others posts. As the days go by we want to create momentum throughout the 90 days. WHAT’S WORKING, WHAT ISN’T AND WHY CALLS This bi-monthly call is facilitated by Camille and designed to compare notes about what worked, what didn't, and why and where our members serve as mentors and support for one another. We talk candidly about our experiences, celebrate our successes, and speak frankly about our frustrations. You get instant access to objective feedback and constructive analysis on your ideas and issues. This group call enables our Challengers to learn from and advise each other through the sharing of experiences and best practices in a non-competitive and confidential environment. This program is normally exclusively for Soul-Proprietor members but during the 90 day challenge, we open for all levels to experience. WILL YOU BE THE COMMUNITY SUPERSTAR?
This is not a competition between members. It's a competition with yourself and a great way to get your to stretch yourself a bit and build a solid foundation into the New Year. This could be personal or professional but choose something that brings you joy at the end of 90 days. In that regard, everyone who participates is a winner and a superstar in their own right! That being said, at the end of the challenge those that participated get to vote on the one challenger who was the most inspiring player for 2022. Each member gets one vote for our Community Superstar the person who gave their all to this challenge. One person who really pushed through their goals and not only posted regularly but cheered other members on with thoughtful comments and encouragement. They not only hit their goals but shared their experience of their journey which in turn encouraged and motivated others throughout the Challenge. (Voting opens Dec 27th) WHAT OUR COMMUNITY SUPERSTAR WINS: Our Community Super Star will win a Six-Figure Soul Psych-K Strategy Session with Camille and then another 90 days of personal one-on-one coaching with bi-monthly check-ins and personal access for questions and help. You will have direct access to Camille and together will build a strategy and work together in whatever capacity best suits the winner to get him/her/they to level-up and expand. This package currently costs clients $12,900. Learn more about Camille's work at www.CamilleLMiller.com |